Not Overcome

Last week we discussed the reality that sometimes in our time journey, we are overwhelmed by the tough situations and circumstances of our lives.
Why do these overwhelming circumstances not completely overcome us? Scripture answers this question in 2 Corinthians 4:18. How do we maintain victory in the storm that rages around us? We focus on eternity, eternality, and on our personal eternalness.
"18 because we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen." - 2 Corinthians 4:18
This may be easier said than done for most of us. In fact, I am confident that it is. There is absolutely no question, this is very challenging for humanity.
All of the teaching of Christ -- Emmanuel -- when He was on earth directed humanity to the priority of eternity and our personal eternalness in the living of our lives for everything. Everything.
The Kingdom of God is God’s total order for humanity’s total need. In reality the Kingdom of God is the redemptive totalitarian system humanity has always searched for to fulfill our longing for understanding and for direction in the living of our lives in time. The Kingdom of our God’s governmental system is not corruptible, and has only good benefits. The Kingdom of God is to be our Operational System for everything. This is the system and the method that we are provided to engage life for total and for complete victory. This is the central theme and the primary message Jesus presented for humanity to choose to experience the peaceful, meaningful, and fulfilling life we are designed to long for and to experience. The Holy Spirit God summed everything up with the declaration for us that “what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.”