Spirit, Mind, and Body

God is Spirit, and we must worship, fellowship, and communicate with him out of, or from, our spirit. Our spirit is the component of our triune being that lives forever.
As Romans 12 tells us, we must present our mind to our God for programming so that our thoughts, our imaginations, our feelings, our intellect, and all the functions of our mind are in agreement with God and His Word. This is important because our mind functions as the databank of who we are and all that we know and all that we believe. As such, our mind is the storehouse that we draw information from to make our decisions.
The kingdom of darkness is aggressive about placing information, mostly false information that is deceptive and misleading, into our minds for our consideration of choices of action. We must store correct information in our mind that rejects and that disputes the lies and the deceits from the defeated Satan so we can make good decisions.
Our body provides a home for our eternal spirit and gives physical expression to our spirit while we are on the earth. We are told that our body is to be given as a servant or as a sacrifice to our spirit in our relationship with our Creator.
We can allow our bodies to be very demanding. In our cultures today, many are obsessed with the appearance of their bodies. We are told to take care of our bodies and to steward them well so they can serve us and our purpose well. When we understand eternity and our personal eternalness, we understand the role of our body in our lives is temporary, and we do not allow it to become more important than it should. As we age, our beauty fades. Do what you will to hold back the process, but with age our bodies change greatly.
"Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!" -Proverbs 31:30, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition