The Systems of Man

Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism and Humanism addressed only the mundane (earthy, secular) things of life and they totally ignored, completely dismissed, and totally removed and eliminated our eternal, transcendent relationship with a higher power. The power that man was designed to function under, and that man cannot live without, and is not optional for our success. The ideas themselves become gods (idols) and often ultimately garner absolute power and total control over humanity.
Fascism made the state supreme, Naziism made the race supreme, and Communism, Socialism, and Humanism supposedly make man/humanity supreme. In the end, they all made humanity a slave to a very few who gained control and had the power to rule and to destroy their followers at will. Genocide is always a result of man’s totalitarian systems. They eliminate whoever disagrees with them and with their methods. Their systems and methods have always resulted in no freedom at all for their enslaved participants.
Next week we will look at God's solution -- the correct choice to the alternative systems of the world.