The Dynamic of Confession, Part Three: Words Are Powerful

Religion concentrates on getting everyone to Heaven. Jesus taught we are to bring Heaven to earth.
Jesus taught the Kingdom in relationship and benefit is the proper position for the life of a Kingdom citizen. We are a people in “conflict.” The theology (study of thought) of the Christian Church is in conflict with the theology of the Bible.
Did you know the Kingdom of God is not mentioned in our creeds - the foundation of our faith? How important is this? The Kingdom concept is the foundation for all scriptural revelation. The Kingdom concept is necessary for correct biblical interpretation and application. The Kingdom concept is the main subject throughout scripture. This knowledge and understanding is necessary to determine the motivation, purpose, plans, principles, and actions of our God - the true and the living God, the only wise God, our Father. Our theology must be His ideas that He has given to us clearly expressed in His Word. We must capture every thought, every imagination (idea) that is contrary to the Kingdom teaching of Jesus our King, and bring them in submission to and in alignment with His Words.
How do we know His ideas? Through relationship with Him. How do we have that kind of relationship with Him? Through fellowship with Him. How do we have fellowship with Him? By spending time with Him. How do we spend time with Him? By making the commitment to give the time necessary for fellowship.
There are no shortcuts, no Reader's Digest condensed version. Kind of a circle. Where we begin is where we end. But the results are amazing, fantastic, and inexpressible joy. We hear and know His voice, the voice of our Father, and the voice of a stranger we will not follow.
Our words are powerful. They create the environment in which we live and in which we operate every day. They change the atmosphere and cause it to create a Kingdom culture and a Kingdom experience. We are not helpless, nor hopeless. We are in charge of our environment. Our words must be the Words of our King. Our confession must be in agreement and alignment with the Words of Jesus.
Begin today. Determine whose words you confess/declare in your conversation, in the songs you sing, and the praises you lift up by your words.