Blog Posts
Lessons for Life
Our blog articles uncover the pattern for guaranteed success found in scripture. Read the posts below and begin living the successful life you were created for.
Competing and Comparison: Parable of the Bags of Gold
Reviewing this parable about Financial Stewardship from the perspective of competing and comparing, very real Kingdom System operational practices and procedures are established.
Competing and Comparison
The scriptures are replete with accounts where Jesus encountered those who were comparing Him with others and stirring up conflict by establishing competition. This is not a practice found in the Kingdom of our God.
Aligned for Purpose
If we want to be in relationship with our Creator and our Designer our God, we must understand that His primary goal and His purpose for us first and foremost is for relationship and we must know how that works.
The Dynamics of Scripture
Have you ever wondered or thought, "Why doesn’t God just provide for each of us at our birth a clear picture and the absolute understanding of what our purpose on the earth is?”
Experiencing the Kingdom
Not to oversimplify, or understate the commitment and work required, but there are four steps that we can take, four experiences we can establish in our lives as our reality that will provide the Kingdom experience promised and delivered to earth by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who was and is God.
Character Part 2: The Power of Demonstration
What are we to do? How do we positively impact the lives of those around us? Those who God brings into our lives? One simple word: demonstration.
Character, Part 1
A Kingdom-First life is a life of character. What is character? Character is that ingredient in a person’s make-up that determines their actions in any given situation, circumstance, or relationship.