An Outside Force for Change

In our last blog, we discussed how our "Justice System" has in reality become a system that enables and perpetuates injustice in many areas. In courtrooms across our country, the primary consideration is only on that which is legal -- not that which is right, honorable, correct, and righteous. This system has become so large and so powerful, we may seem helpless. However, we know with certainty that we are not helpless, nor are we without hope. We have hope and we have power. I am reminded of two things.
First, how many times has our God used one singular person to impact society and to change culture? Jesus, Martin Luther, and Martin Luther King, Jr. come to mind. And, with Jesus, how with only twelve seemingly insignificant, non-influential men, the entirety of humanity has come to know about His plan for our lives.
Secondly, what did these men do that so amazingly influenced and changed their society and everyone’s culture forever? When the Holy Spirit God revealed truth to them, they took a stand.
They were no different than you and me or any others of their day. Their response to truth made the difference. It was not because of their exterior, visible difference to their society. They appeared to look like everyone else. Their impact was because of an internal, eternal response to the voice of the Holy Spirit God speaking to their eternal spirit His forever, unchanging truth. They heard and they recognized the voice of their God, our Good Shepherd. We all do.
They took His Word to their mind where they evaluated it and there, they declared their allegiance and their passion to follow and to pursue His direction and His ways. They understood the objective; the desired outcome and they ran after that end with all of their might.
How can we sit idly by and expect the wrong on the Mountain of Government and our Legal System to correct itself? That too is a dynamic that is part of the design of our Creator. Man calls this Newton’s Law of Inertia, which states that a body in motion (something that is going one way) tends to remain in motion (follow that same path) until it is disturbed by an outside force. We are to be “an outside force.”
The principle says that the motions tend to respond proportionally to the amount of the pressure/force that is applied. How much do we want Government and our Legal System to change to reflect the Government of our God? How much pressure/force are we applying? How do we apply the pressure that becomes a force?
Next week, we will take a look at some practical, actionable steps we can take to be Kingdom change agents in our communities, in our country, and in our world.